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Members' Section
Speaking Made Easy is a place where you belong, connect with others, advance your speaking skills, gain confidence and be inspired.
Connect with like-minded women, invest in your career, community and personal life, enjoy many learning opportunities, develop leadership skills, practise speaking in a friendly and supportive environment.
We will encourage and support you to develop your ability to communicate in one-on-one situations, in small and large groups. You will learn to deliver speeches and presentations in front of an audience, enjoy effective conversations, give an opinion and be dynamic in discussions
Members' pages will connect you to all that is exciting in Speaking Made Easy - latest events, group insights, newsletters and documents. The Members' Resource Manual, Handbook for policies, processes and procedures, members' are all tools available to you as a member.
Member's Only Resource Centre - Sharing Page
Sharing page is the place of ideas it contains, the Members' Resource Manual and much more giving access to Speaking Tips, Workshops, Tutorials, Slide Show Presentations, Video Links, Activities. New content forever added, with members from all groups sharing resources, for you to share at your Group and Regional meetings.
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To access all this information, become a member. Joining Speaking Made Easy will be the first step to developing confidence in your speaking journey
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