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Speaking Made Easy is a not-for-profit organisation and aims to keep our membership fees as low as possible so all women have the opportunity to gain speaking skills and confidence. Empowering women with communication skills is life changing. We are very appreciative of any donations no matter how small or how big.

Donations assist women:

  • To increase their learning and provide the opportunity to be a presenter by attending Speaking Made Easy learning days, conferences and conventions. Reducing registration and travel expenses allows more women to participate.

Donations assist our organisation:

  • To engage guest speakers at events including the learning days, conferences and conventions
  • To engage guest speakers at groups. Even small gifts incur a cost.
  • In venue hire expenses as these continually increase
  • In purchase of promotional material
  • In ongoing website costs.

Donators, your generosity is valued and will be directly used to develop the gift of speaking effectively in women. You will be helping them find their voice.

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*Amount ($AUD)
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